
Oh, hello!

Well, first I would like to thank for my 134 followers on tumblr and my 190 followers on twitter, I don't know if someone who reads my blog follow me there, but I'm very happy for that :)

Well, I would also like to thank you who read my blog and have patience waiting for posts, it is very important to me.

So.. idk what to say, but thank you all that support me or simply open accidentally my blog/tumblr/twitter :))

And I was thinking about to create an "ask.fm" for the blog..I think this is better than use my ask of tumblr..but idk..

Well, thanks again and I love you all <33



Finally! The Ocean Of The Sky!

Hey guys! Finally "The Ocean Of The Sky" is available now on iTunes! I'm so happy! That's amazing! And "Iddy Biddy" now has a video!! Have you seen? It could not be better! Look:

The Used - "Iddy Biddy" (Video)

And purchase The Ocean Of The Sky on iTunes:

The Ocean Of The Sky

It only costs $4.99  *0*

Well, I separated some pictures about the new EP, hope you enjoy!

Hope U enjoy!
